Monday 20 October 2014



  • What we did on our holiday is a BBC British comedy starring (David Tennant), (Billy Connolly) and (Rosamund Pike). Its release date is the 26th September 2014. 
  • The plot is set with a man named (Doug McLeod), played by (David Tennant), and his wife (Abi), played by (Rosamund Pike), who unite following a separation to travel to see Doug's father (Gordie) (Billy Connolly) up in the Scottish Midlands for his birthday. (Doug and Abi) eventually get their three children (Lottie) (Emilia Jones) (Mickey) (Bobby Smalldridge) and (Jess) (Harriet Turnbull) out of the house and go on a long road trip.  

The certificate for this film is a 12A, therefore the film will appeal to audiences 12 years and above, however, people viewing the film at 12 years of age will need to be accompanied by an adult. As such, this is a film largely aimed at families.

The main institution that is spreading the word about this film is mainly the BBC, broadcasting in many newspapers and websites to try and promote the film to draw audiences in.  Also a reviewer named (Himanshu S). suggested that the film “Explores the meaning of life and suggests how best to live and love”. Himanshu S. Another institution spreading the word on this film is the Daily Mail. Film critic (David Aldridge) said it was “Warm, Witty and Delightful, a real treat”. Another film critic named (Baz Bamigboye) also from the Daily Mail said it was “An enormously entertaining heart-warmer”.

What I learned from the trailer is that the film is going to be a witty and great fun exploration of family life and relatives. A film of this genre and with a 12A rating will appeal to a very broad ranging potential audience. The humour in this film, shown in the trailer, is fun and very light-hearted. The backdrop is wonderful country scenery which gives a true British flavour to the film. (Billy Connolly) is starring in the film which also suggests that the film is going to be funny. I also found from the trailer that, although the film is rated a 12A, there are some scenes where they exceed the 12A rating to the maximum, for example, the son of (David Tenant) in the film references a lot of swearing but only uses the acronym versions to maintain a sensible allowance of language for the 12A rating. Therefore, this suggests to me that some scenes may be unsuitable for younger viewers, hence the age rating being a 12A, although the acronyms for the swearing is used in a content context.


  1. You investigated the target audience for 'What We Did On Our Holiday', its genre, distribution and trailer. By harmonious, do you mean a comedy? It isn't at all harmonious, from what we see in the trailer (and I saw the film in a pre-release Times+ screening). What about 'from the writers of Outnumbered'?

  2. Sure, thank you for the advice and yes I do mean a comedy. I should use a better synonym.
