What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?


 I used the art of the title because it was a very helpful tool for constructing our movie intro


I used slide share for The Hunger Games distribution research. It gives the viewer a clear insight on how we were going to distribute our film as well.  DISTRIBUTION: THE HUNGER GAMES.

MEDIA MAGAZINE Media magazines was useful to me for learning about the film industry. Learning about the distribution of The Hunger Games helped me plan how i would attract and address audiences for my film. 


Google to me was one of the most useful tools for my research. I was able to search anything I wanted and along the way I also found other useful tools for my research. Without Google, my research would have been limited and I would not have been able to find other useful tools. 


http://app.emaze.com/@AOIWFTRL/audience-research This link here enables you to view my presentations on the art of the title and audience research. Below you will be able to see screenshots of the progress I have made using emaze:


I used ScoopIt! to collating useful websites relating to my film opening, e.g. on the subject matter & filming techniques.

NETFLIX: I watched some films on Netflix and it allowed me to get a bit creative with the scenes and how to slot them. It also helped the group devise a movie intro for our film. 


BLOGGER was the host to all my technologies and was the home of my research and everything associated with my film. i found this extremely useful because blogger gave me flexibility in allowing me to produce work to the highest standard with the help of accessible tools. As a multi-media social networking tool it allowed me to collate, archive, display and create research and planning with images.

PICMONKEY I found Picmonkey useful when putting a series of four pictures together to make a nice and presentable display. I used picmonkey in particular for my location recce, because I wanted to show my pictures that i took for the location recce and make it look really smart and presentable.   

TWITTER To communicate instantly and effectively with the rest of my group. I set up two twitter accounts, my personal media studies page and my movie twitter page entitled 'Lightsout!' I found twitter to be an excellent tool to help promote our film to all audiences. It is also an excellent way to help people notice our product, which has been my main objective with using twitter. 

https://twitter.com/Bigdaddymilkyy here you are able to view my personal media studies twitter account.

https://twitter.com here you will be able to view our movie account on twitter. 


here on Animoto I constructed a little video with the effort of a couple of clicks of the hunger games distribution presentation that I did. I needed something to liven up my powerpoint because i felt the presentation on powerpoint was very bland and simple and animate was the best solution for this problem. I will also share my link to the video for all to see. I was glad that I used animoto because it gave new life to my lacklustre presentation and I highly recommend this website to anyone for great results. here is a link to my video: 


I also used Pinterest to grab images from other sources and in my own words elaborated on why I used these pictures and how they greatly influenced our film. Pinterest enabled us to collect together a series of images for the mise-en-scene, props and lighting for our 1950s office set. We sourced images from 1950s detectives, what they wore and their posture and gestures. this was essential planning to guide our directing of the scenes. We needed to create an authentic period feel. We also wanted to convey the weariness, reluctance and underlying hard-boiled quality of our central detective figure. We constructed our characters using pictures of Philip Marlowe and Sam Spade with their feet on the desk, their hands wrapped around a whiskey tumbler with the smoke from the cigarette cuffing on the desk. Pinterest is a collaborative tool that let us build up an image bank.  

     Also here is my extension of my work on Pinterest which also talks about the props I will be using for our film.  https://uk.pinterest.com/01marcusc/social-groups-in-my-film-opening/


This screenshot below shows parts of my script and as a group we decided to type up our script on google docs.  This is a sophisticated and flexible tool that enabled us to work collaboratively on the same documents. we used it extensively when creating the shot list, the call sheets and the scripts. it is flexible because we could update, add photos of locations, plan the blocking of movements with photos to prompt our memories and keep our ideas looking professional and easy to access. Google docs let us create and share our work online and access our documents from anywhere. 


I also used new hive to promote my movie. I decided to do the planning for out location recce. Me and my fellow group members walked around our school to take pictures of what we thought would be most suitable to do some filming. What we found when taking pictures of the mansion was that there were birds circling around the building whilst coying. This to me created the sense of isolation and  abandonment by the birds alone, this is an excellent tool for us to use in our film and we should make the most of it. I found Newhive to be useful because when applying all the information into a single page, I was given a variety of tools to use and for me it was very easy to use. I felt it gave you more sense of freedom with your work as with other new technologies that I used. Judging by looking at the screenshot of my progress so far, it would be sensible to go back to this page and make a few more adjustments as i think it has a lot of potential. 



HERE  on this link you will be able to see our first practice shoot on Youtube of myself and Ollie McNaughton walking down the steps. This was the practice shoot of the very first scene we will be putting together and below this text you will be able to see more practice shoots: 


The link below will enable you to view our Facebook page constructed by Ollie macnaughton. 
Displayed here you can see the cover page of our film 'Lights out!' and Ollie MaCnaughton created this page and I think that he has done a really good job. the Facebook page consists of pictures of our props that we will be using for the film with additional content such as footage that we used for practice and a variety of videos and pictures that are ion the works.  Similar to twitter, I think that using Facebook will enable us to promote our film to  audiences and I think that this will allow us to promote our film to the max. 


Here I have used trello to set up boards on the website to construct various ways to promote our film. I think also this will be a learning curve for the audience as well as the people in the group. I think also using this website, it will help massively to plan and structure future films and planning for projects. My progress so far looks promising, I think I need to look back at this and elaborate on the work produced so far to illicit maximum content. 

INSTAGRAM: As a group we have constructed some images on Instagram. our main aim here was to also promote our film and we thought as a group this would also be a good platform to put our film ideas and also put a variety of movie props on there. 


digital camera canon D550: As a group we used this camera to do some crisp filming.

Imovie was the software we used to edit the movie. It was the easiest option for us because it is free with the macbook and also is a handy tool of editing and it had all the tools that we needed in order to edit our film. 

Our team used this camera because in a scene where the antagonist is pursuing the detective, we wanted a first person perspective because it creates suspense. 

 My group used adobe photoshop to create a website and also to create the logo for the movie. 


  1. What technologies have you used in constructing your film opening and the ways of attracting audiences?

  2. Complete your explanation about what technologies you used in constructing your film (=shooting and editing; making the ident). Start your section on what technologies you used in Evaluating your film work.
