Monday 20 April 2015


After the production of the film, we needed to wrap our heads around the editing process. For all of us this was a very time consuming process as we had to sit through all of the outtakes that we made and we had to decide amongst ourselves which bits of filming was best suited for each scene and we needed to decide which bits of filming were suitable and scenes which were not suitable. Looking back at one of our scenes, we made a flashback scene involving me and Tom Gladstone, the missing husband in our film, this consumed nearly 40% of our film and therefore we decided to edit this out because it was too long.

In the end we used two editing softwares. We used iMovie which is included with all MacBooks as one of my peers owns a MacBook. We also used Final Cut Pro which is a very professional editing software and we were all over this software as it was very good to use and caused lots of good effects in our film. In the end, Final Cut Pro had a lot more effects than iMovie but iMovie was very easy to access and contributed massively to our film editing. We also used iMovie for our preliminary exercise and it was of great use.

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