Thursday 26 February 2015



I have been set the task to critically observe any reliable websites, In particular Amazon and eBay, to find suitable newspaper props for our film. On eBay I managed to find some pictures of newspapers which I think will be very well suited for our film and the era that it is set in. Here are some of the props that i found on eBay:

I found these photos in particular to be the most suitable because both newspapers are set near the time of our film period and I found that the pictures and the typo are all in black, which was the case with all newspapers in this time period. We also needed to consider whether the newspapers were published in America or the UK for the simple reason that when I think of detectives, i usually associate them with a American nationality.

The second picture that I screen shotted might be slightly controversial because there are props from the movie THE GOONIES. Although this film has nothing to do with detectives, the movie has the aurora of suspense and mystery which perfectly correlates to our film. The copper bone key and Spanish doubloon could be a valuable asset to our film, but it is crucial that I speak with my other peers about this before hand.

Moreover, I also did some research on and found some other promising props. Here is what I found:

This to me is more promising, especially the Chicago movie prop for obvious reasons. however, as you can see, the price is very high so it would be logical not to invest time an effort with this movie prop.

I also found a carving from a newspaper cutting from 1956 on eBay. This may not be the best piece of material, but If I can get my hands on this newspaper carving, I will be able to experiment with this piece, Maybe we could use this prop to create suspense of impose fear amongst the audience and the detective in the most drastic way possible.

Again on eBay, I also found this vintage Chicago today newspaper, this to be looks very authentic and definitely suits the disposition of our movie intro. the style really captivates the 1960's-70's era fully and one prop that should be deeply considered. I will also liaise with my peers to see wether they agree with my suggestion and I am confident that my peers will completely agree with me.

On eBay I also found this prop and I feel this can be deeply considered too, even though the time period is well out of date, the style is still similar.


I Have also been asked to consider suitable ashtrays for the office scene. This was also a fairly easy task as I found eBay in particular to be the most reliable source. Here are some ashtrays I found in particular to be very suitable: 

For me, I am not sure whether these ashtrays are particularly suitable, however I particularly like the style of the ashtrays. Considering they fit the character of a laid back, non-serious detective. I thought that these styles of ashtrays would perfectly match with the detectives personality.

These ashtrays also caught my eye. Although there is a dancing couple on the 3rd ashtray, It can be easily covered. I was intrigued to the shape of the ashtray and this could definitely be suitable for the movie. The red and amoeba ashtray were made in the 60's, although not the most attractive looking ashtrays. It could be a match.

This ashtray is also very intriguing, I feel that this ashtray will fit perfectly with the personality of the detective, but will discuss with the group members before considering.


Here my teacher very kindly ordered a stunning 1950's style typewriter. 

Thursday 12 February 2015



HERE  on this link you will be able to see our first test shot on Youtube of myself and Ollie McNaughton walking down the steps. This was the test shot of the very first scene we will be putting together followed by three other test scenes below.  

For our first scene we used a tripod to keep the camera stable. Whilst Me and Ollie walked down the mansion steps, the tripod was perfect for keeping the camera frame in focus whilst we used a tracking shot.  
The location was by the entrance of the mansion. This place was the best location for our opening sequence because the mansion upholds grander and tranquility. 

Friday 6 February 2015


Today we are going to plan our viewer profile where I am going to model this on a professional practice. I am going to base my profile on how the NME creates their viewer profile of their target audience. I will follow the four key points:

  • What films and TV programmes are your target audience watching now?
  • What platforms do they watch programmes on?
  • What social groups do they relate to?
  • What issues might they be interested in?


I believe that my film stands out amongst other films because as a group we decided to do a film that no other group has done before and we feel that as a result of this, our film is unique from the other films and will get more attention for doing a project unlike the others. This is a screenshot of a clear insight on what our movie is about.

DISTRIBUTING MY FILM:  There are various ways I have thought of in regards to distributing my film. One of the strategies I used is Pinterest. I collected a variety of pictures and sources from the website and images from google of specific characters and in my own words explained to the viewer why I decided to use these images and how they will impact and enhance our film:

STEP ONE: FINDING OUT WHAT MY TARGET AUDIENCE WATCH NOW:  As our audience will be targeted for people aged 16 years and above, youth nowadays enjoy action packed films and also thrillers and many more genres of this nature. Many people nowadays are also drawn to comedies, one good example being "The Inbetweeners". Many people are very fond of the series as it revolves around teenage life and their activities involving extravagant humour. Our ideal target audience should be interested in horror films as well as thrillers. 

Other social platforms that is followed by our target audience consist of YouTube videos, online games and Netflix. 

CLOTHING:  I did research on clothing websites that cater for the type of characters in my film. I came across "River Island" as they have a large volume of choice that suit my group we will be producing - below is a image of some examples found. 

STEP TWO: WHAT PLATFORMS PEOPLE WATCH PROGRAMMES ON: Most people nowadays watch TV and movies on their tablets then they watch on their TV screens. Also most people watch content on their tablets in their bedroom than their living room. People around the world are watching an average of 25 hours of TV programming and film content a week. TV viewing is up from 10 hours a week in 2011 to 19 hours this year. On average, tablet owners watch 6.7 hours of movies a week against the average of 5.5 hours of non-tablet users.  Also the living room nowadays is the centre of home entertainment and people take advantage of the ability to view whatever they want in many rooms throughout the home and even in unexpected places as 50% of broadcasters watch TV in their living room. Sweden numbers are 81%, UK numbers are 75% and Australia numbers are 68%.

As our audience will be targeted for people aged 16 years and above, youth nowadays enjoy action packed films and also thrillers and many more genres of this nature. Many people nowadays are also drawn into comedies, one good example being The Inbetweeners. Many people are very fond of the series because the main plot of the story is revolved around teenagers and mainly consists of extravagant humour. Ideally we would like our target audience to be interested in horror films as well as thriller films. 


In people's leisure time, they would be able to find additional information on YouTube, playing video games surf the internet etc.


Most people nowadays watch TV and movies on their tablets then they watch on their TV screens. Also most people watch content on their tablets in their bedroom than their living room. People around the world are watching an average of 25 hours of TV programming and film content a week. TV viewing is up from 10 hours a week in 2011 to 19 hours this year. On average, tablet owners watch 6.7 hours of movies a week against the average of 5.5 hours of non-tablet users.  Also the living room nowadays is the centre of home entertainment and people take advantage of the ability to view whatever they want in many rooms throughout the home and even in unexpected places as 50% of broadcasters watch TV in their living room. Sweden numbers are 81%, UK numbers are 75% and Australia numbers are 68%.

STEP FOUR: WHAT ISSUES MIGHT THEY BE INTERESTED IN:  My target audience will be interested in Tv shows as well as movies. I think that the audience in terms of movies, would watch the likes of The Hunger Games Mockingly part 1 starring Leonardo DiCaprio and the films such as GravityThe Hobbit, the Desolation of Smaug and Kingsman: the secret service. 

In terms of video games, the audience would be likely to play games such as Bioshock and Fallout, due to the fact they both are thriller/horror games and are set around the time our film is set. For clothes they would go to places such as Hollister and Jack Wills as both shops contain clothing of this era.


  • AGE